Artist Talk: Creative Curation and Collaboration

Date(s) - 03/09/2024
Time(s) - 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

The PATH Museum

Photo: Anne Berry

Photo: Kirsten Hoving

Creative Curation and Collaboration

Have work that needs an audience? Want to get your work on the walls? This talk will cover all the aspects of producing an exhibition on your own or with a group of artists, answering these questions with facts and examples – How do you craft a curatorial vision for the exhibition? How do you identify and approach possible venues? What are the installation considerations? How do you promote the exhibition? How do you effectively collaborate with other artists, creating a collective network that lasts beyond the exhibition? Anne Berry will outline the process of curating Touching Magic: Scenes from an Enchanted Wilderness, which premiered at Slow Exposures and is now a traveling exhibition, and Kirsten Hoving will talk about her curation of Photo Object, currently showing at Redux Contemporary Art Center in Charleston.

Anne Berry

Anne Berry is an artist from Atlanta, Georgia. Her photographs investigate the animal world, the domain of childhood, and the terrain of the Southern wilderness. She also explores themes and metaphors from literature. In 2013 and 2014 Critical Mass included her work in their Top 50 Portfolios. Anne has exhibited nationally and internationally, including The Fox Talbot Museum in Lacock, England, SCAN Tarragona in Spain, The Museum of Photographic Arts in San Diego, and the Ogden Museum of Southern Arts in New Orleans. Books include Through Glass (North Light Press, 2014) Primates (21st Editions, 2017), and Behind Glass, 2021. Anne’s work is featured in National Geographic Proof, Feature Shoot, Hufffington Post, and Lens Culture, among others. Her work is in many permanent collections, including the National Gallery of Art. Anne lives in Newnan, GA and is represented by the Catherine Couturier Gallery in Houston.

Instructor’s Website –

Kirsten Hoving

Kirsten Hoving is a photographer and interdisciplinary artist from Charleston, SC, whose art balances on the edge between fact and fiction. Over the last fifteen years, Hoving has shown her work in galleries around the world and has published several books, including Svala’s Saga, a project done in collaboration with photographer Emma Powell. With a PhD in art history from Columbia University, Hoving had a long career as a professor and scholar of modern art, with books and articles on many topics, including Surrealist photography and the assemblages of Joseph Cornell. Those interests heavily influence her creative practice, as well as her delight in collaborative projects with other artists. She has also curated or authored essays for many exhibitions for museums and galleries, among them the Middlebury College Museum of Art, the Hood Museum at Dartmouth College, the Guggenheim Museum in New York, and most recently the Redux Contemporary Art Center in Charleston. Hoving’s photographs and photo-based multi-media work has been exhibited in galleries and museums around the world, including The Fox Talbot Museum in Lacock, England. She is currently represented by Photographic Gallery of San Miguel, in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Her work can also be seen at the Vendue in Charleston.

Instructor’s Website –

PATH Museum

At PATH Museum, we believe art has the incredible power to heal, inspire, and transform. Our name, “PATH”, is an acronym for “Presenting Art That Heals.” We are dedicated to bringing this healing magic to life through captivating exhibitions, engaging educational programming, and cultural experiences.

Situated in the 3399 Peachtree building; along the soon to be constructed Boardwalk Trail along Lenox Road between East Paces Ferry and Peachtree Roads, PATH Museum fronts the corridor connecting PATH 400 and the HUB 400 project. Our strategic positioning makes art accessible to all, inviting visitors to embark on a journey of creativity, exploration, and healing. Nestled between the iconic Lenox Square and the bustling Lenox Marta Station, PATH Museum boasts a prime location and bridges the gap between the artistic and the everyday.


*Check out our sister gallery Mason Fine Art.

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