Speaking of Photography: Jan Kapoor

Speaking of Photography
Jan Kapoor
Date(s) - 09/16/2015
Time(s) - 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Atlanta Photography Group

Jan Kapoor will present a brief history of the pinhole phenomenon, the basic principles of image formation, and a survey of her own work with pinhole photography. She will also bring a selection of her pinhole cameras, books, and examples of pinhole images from her collection made by other photographers.

Kapoor: I have been involved in fine art photography for many years, my primary interests being landscape, natural abstraction and still life. I print extensively in alternative processes including cyanotype and platinum/palladium, and have been drawn to specialize in pinhole imagery for more than twenty five years. Pinhole, or lensless photography offers a vision of the world that cannot be seen with the human eye in real time. As the camera gathers light slowly, time flows on, imbuing the final image with the fourth, unseen dimension of time.

To the photographer, the making of pinhole images is an unparalleled magical adventure: there is usually not a viewfinder; only long familiarity with a particular camera will let the artist form an idea of the final image, but the element of surprise is always there and always fascinating. Pinhole photography can also satisfy the craftsman in an artist, as many cameras are handmade by their users. I explore the world as seen through a variety of pinhole cameras in various formats, from 35mm to 8×10, some purchased and many others self-made. Once you start making cameras, you can’t stop with just one.

My presentation includes a PowerPoint slide show that offers a brief history of the pinhole phenomenon from pre-photographic times to the present. It also touches on the basic principles of pinhole image formation, as well as a survey of my work in pinhole photography through the years. I will also bring a selection of my pinhole cameras, books, and examples of pinhole images from my collection made by other photographers.

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