APG Donors and Sponsors
Atlanta Photography Group (APG) would like to thank all the donors, and sponsors whose generous support helps cultivate and sustain the Atlanta photography arts community.
APG Keystone Members, Donors & Sponsors
Keystone Members
Beth Lilly
Chip Standifer
Corinne Adams
2024 Donors
Estate of Ted Maloof
Massey Charitable Trust
Edwin Robinson
Alan Sokoloff
Amy Miller
Beate Sass
Bruce Williams
David Leaderman
Debra Marie Barnhart
Dwain A Vaughns II
Frank Joseph
Gene Dominique
Kevin Rose
Michael Burris
Robert Anderson
Sandy Fry
Spencer Sloan
Steve Bachman
Steve Williams
Susan and Howard Pelteson
Tom Meiss
Vicki Montet
V E Turk
Willard Pate
William Karl Valentine
APG Premium Level Members
Beth Lilly
Bruce Williams
Corinne Adams
Gene Dominique
Jason Little
Michael Parvin
Steve Bachman
Vicki Montet/p>
If you would like to join our list of generous donors by contributing to APG please follow the link below:
APG Grants
Atlanta Photography Group (APG) is generously funded by the City of Atlanta Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs, the Fulton County Board of Commissioners, and the Georgia Council for the Arts through the appropriations of the Georgia General Assembly. GCA also receives support from its partner agency, the National Endowment for the Arts.