Eyes on Atlanta:
Asian Perspectives in Photography 2022

Jabao Sun

The APG Exhibition Viewing Rooms host online versions of current and past exhibitions. Most of the work in our Exhibition Viewing Rooms is available for sale. Please contact us at gallery@atlantaphotographygroup.org if you are interested in purchasing work from one of our Viewing Rooms.

Curator: Yusheng Liu

Artistic Operations Manager, Atlanta Photography Group, Atlanta, GA

Atlanta is a city rich in diverse culture. In 2022 APG launched a series of micro-exhibitions focused on the lens-based artists within the varied communities that make up our member base at APG. The lens-based exhibitions will be curated and on view from 7-14 days in our gallery in between our flagship exhibitions. Darnell Wilburn, APG’ s Director of Media and Cultural Outreach spearheaded this initiative called Eyes on Atlanta: Windows into our Community.

Curated by Yusheng Liu, APG’s Artistic Operations Manager, Asian Perspectives in Photography is the second installment of our Eyes on Atlanta series.

Exhibition: August 2 – August 20, 2022
Opening Reception and Artist/Curator’s Talk: In-Person at the APG Gallery
Thursday, August 4, 2022 from 6pm-8:30pm
Featured Artists
JeeSu Kim
Jiabao Sun
Jing Tang
Jinyao Yuan
Kemachat Sirichanvimol
Peng Zhou
Shan Shi
Tyler Basa
Ying Chen
Yusheng Liu