Time(s) - 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Atlanta Photography Group
Exhibition: March 13 – April 7, 2023
In-Person Artist Talk and Opening Reception:
Thursday, March 16, 2023 6:30-8PM

Alternative Process and the Handmade Photograph
APG is excited to announce our first exhibition featuring handmade photographic books. This exhibition has been curated by internationally renowned book artist, Cynthia Lollis. The exhibition features books produced by members that have taken one, or more, of the workshops taught by Cynthia’s though APG’s Book Arts series.
Cynthia Lollis
Independant Curator, Book Artist,
Printmaker, and Educator
Cynthia Lollis is a professor of printmaking and book arts in Atlanta. Many of her artists’ books and prints are collaborations with German artist, Daniela Deeg, under the name ETC Press. Collectors of her books and prints are museums, national libraries, academic libraries, and private libraries in Australia, Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Poland, South Africa, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the USA. Among other publications, Lollis and Deeg’s collaborative works have been published in the following books, Masters: Book Arts: Major Works by Leading Artists (Lark Books, 2011), Booknesses: Artists’ Books from the Jack Ginsberg Collection (University of Johannesburg, 2017), Multiple – Vielseitig, (La Bibliothèque nationale du Luxembourg, 2020).
Web Site: Cynthia Lollis
Participating Artists
Beate Sass
Beth Lilly
Carolyn Hollingsworth
John Howe
Mark Caseress
Myrtie Cope
Peter Essicks
Shannon Davis
March 13 – April 7, 2023
In-Person Artist Talk and Opening Reception:
Thursday, March 16, 2023 6:30-8PM