Time(s) - 6:00 pm - 11:59 pm
Entries now open thru July 10, 2021
Atlanta Photography Group (APG) invites photographers world-wide to enter images using any photographic process for our upcoming juried exhibition “Endless Summer”.
This exhibition is themed around the first summer coming out of the pandemic. We аre looking for images that will reflect how people аre feeling and what they will do first as we enter a summer where we can now travel, gather and perhaps assess trauma. APG will create a Zine that will accompany this exhibition.
Jean Dykstra, editor of photograph magazine & independent photo critic, joins APG as the Juror for “Endless Summer”. Ms. Dykstra will select a variety of photographic works for the exhibition and Zine.
Juror – Jean Dykstra
Jean Dykstra is the editor of photograph magazine and a independent photography critic. She’s contributed to The Brooklyn Rail,Art in America, and Dear Dave, among other publications, and written essays for numerous photography books including, most recently, Running Falling Flying Floating Crawling (Saint Lucy Books).
Entry Criteria
Must be an APG member to enter. Join or renew now
The entry must be a body of work consisting of 6 or more similar images.
Timetable: (dates are tentative and subject to change)
Accepting Entries: THRU – July 10
Judging begins: July 13, 2021
Photographic Artist Notification: approx. July 28
Purchase Entry Fee
Early Entry: May 14 – 30, 2021 [2 extra images]
$26 for 8 images
Regular Entry: June 1 – 30, 2021
$26 for 6 images
Late Entry: July 1 – 10, 2021
$32 for 6 images
Student Entry: May 14 – July 10, 2021
Must be an APG member and include Student ID & Current Class Schedule, to be eligible
$20 for 6 images
Prepare Text File and Images
Entries not meeting the following criteria will be disqualified.
Jpeg files only. No borders. No watermarks or names on the image.
Entries of either 10 or 20 images depending on which you choose.
The exhibition will include up to 10 images from each of the selected artists, no matter how many are entered.
Size to 2100 px on the longest side. Larger files will be disqualified.
Individual files only, do not upload a folder or zip folder.
How to resize digital image files -
Rename files to the title of the work exactly as you wish it to appear (Example: My Great Photo.jpg). Your name will be automatically prepended (added) to each file upon upload.
File names should be letters and numbers only, please only use _ or – as symbols, do not use any other symbols in file names.
Create a text file with your – Word doc or PDF only :
Personal Info (name, email, phone, website/social media),
Artist Statement (500 words max),
Bio (250 words max), and
Image list (in this order: Title, Year piece was created , Print/Image Size (H x W), estimated Framed Size (H x W) Medium (archival pigment print, inkjet print, silver gelatin, cyanotype, etc),
Save this file as a Word doc (.doc or .docx) or PDF, – .pages files are not accepted.
After you have paid the entry fee you will receive an automatic confirmation email that will have the upload link for your files.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact APG gallery@AtlantaPhotographyGroup.org
Upload Text File and Images
Upload link in payment confirmation email.
Be sure you have completed the entry form/payment (see above) and are a current APG member.
You will receive a payment confirmation email and an email
Read info above for file size, naming and other important information.
Entries are accepted and processed ONLINE only. We do not accept email, mail or paper entries.
Liability and Agreement