APG Member’s Holiday Marketplace


APG Members Holiday Marketplace

For this a members only non-juried show, APG members are invited to submit framed prints to the APG Gallery to sell during the holiday season.

Submission Fees
– 2 works: $25
– 4 works: $35
– 6 works: $45

Submission Dates: Sept 26 – October 26
Delivery of Work: October 26 – November 16
Exhibition: Nov. 22nd – January 7
Holiday Celebration: Saturday, Dec. 10th, 10am – 7pm – Open to the public
Closing Day:
 January 7, 2023

In order to submit your work you must be a current APG member. Join or Renew Now!


To COMPLETE your registration > Go to the CART icon in the upper right corner
and follow thru with the rest of the process, all the way through CHECKOUT.
This will complete the registration and put you on the class list.
If you have questions or need assistance,
email gallery@atlantaphotographygroup.org.
Thanks for your support of the Atlanta Photography Group.

Additional information

Number of Images

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