Monthly Supporter

From: $10.00 / month for 12 months

The Monthly Supporter donation option is a way to make it easier for APG members to support the organization at a higher financial level and spread that donation out over 12 months.

Donors can choose to donate at the following levels:

No matter which level you select, your donation will go a long way to help support APG’s programming and is greatly appreciated.

Established in 1987, Atlanta Photography Group (APG) is an artist-initiated 501(c)(3) nonprofit membership organization providing opportunities and support to the fine art photography community. We rely on the generous donations of our supporters to consistently bring programming and exhibitions that elevate the art, and artists, which make up our member base. As always, your donation is tax deductible.


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Additional information

Monthly Supporter

$120 Supporter ($10/month), $1200 Supporter ($100 month), $300 Supporter ($25/month), $600 Supporter ($50/month), $900 Supporter ($75/month)
