
APG likes to feature member’s and their achievements. Please checkout our Member Spotlights to learn more about our diverse and talented members.

Grants Awarded To APG (GCA & OCAATLANTA)

The Atlanta Photography Group is pleased to announce that we have been awarded operational Grants by the Georgia Council for the Arts (NEA) and the City of Atlanta Mayor’s Office…

2019 Virginia Twinam Smith Purchase Award Recipients

Congratulations to Tokie Taylor and David Clifton-Strawn, recipients of the 2019 Virginia Twinam Smith Purchase Award, for their photos “Our Generation” and “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made,” which were included in Alan Avery Selects and chosen…

Fulton County Arts & Culture Grant Awarded

We are pleased to announce that the Fulton County Board of Commissioners approved the 2019 Contracts for Services Awards, and Atlanta Photography Group (APG) was awarded $6000. We will use…

Lucinda Bunnen At Marcia Wood Gallery

Lucinda Bunnen, “Sacagawea Running by Nancy Creek” We are very happy to report that renowned artist and long-time APG supporter/board member Lucinda Bunnen has an upcoming exhibition of her photography…

What About Us?

In the APG Gallery: What About Us?, a group exhibition curated by Donna Garcia and Virginia Jackson Carr, which highlights female artists working in Georgia and reflects the perspective of…

Michael Parvin: Objects Once Familiar

Michael Parvin, “Mamaw’s Old Ice Tray” In the APG gallery: Photographer Michael Parvin presents Objects Once Familiar, 40 photos from his series of over 300 images. This exhibition coincides with…

The Shop Is Open

The APG shop is officially open for (non-profit) business. All proceeds from apparel and mugs goes to fund programs, scholarships, and events at APG. All proceeds from photography books goes…

2018 Virginia Twinam Smith Purchase Award Recipients Announced

Congratulations to Dale Niles and Tom Meiss, recipients of the 2018 Virginia Twinam Smith Purchase Award, for their photos “Fish Plates and Bourbon” and “Crates,” which were included in Rachel Reese Selects and chosen by Museum…